San Francisco Mini ParksPlans and construction supervision for 10 mini parks for the Department of Public Works of the City of San Francisco.1.Cayuga Street MiniparkProviding a disabled accessible way to connect two streets with an 11 foot difference in elevation. The design created a sitting area for mothers with toddlers and a sand box with rocks as a climbing structure. The planting, consisting of native trees and ground cover, mimics the landscape of the hills surrounding this residential district.2.Army/Cesar Chavez Street exitThe design of a narrow walkway minipark adjacent to the freeway and a housing project. The freeway columns and the fence were painted to provide color and interest to a dark and bleak area. The mural on the fence evoked the planting and the forms of the play equipment.3.Joost St. MiniparkA steep, narrow, 40 foot wide space between buildings with an elevation difference of over 40 feet, was turned into a stepped walkway, planted with native and draught tolerant plants that provide an abundance of flowers at throughout the year and create a view of the surrounding landscape. Employer: Public Works Department, City of San Francisco.